Mindful Living Energy – Who We Are

Mindful Living Energy


Mindful Living Energy – Who We Are


Perhaps the first thing we should discuss is our definition of “Mindful Living”…what does that mean?  Mindfulness is a hot topic buzz word recently, but that’s not why we chose our name.

To us, Mindfulness is knowing Who You Are…and matching each choice that you make with that.

Why do you do the things that you do?  Do they line up with Who You Are?

Mindfulness is living life in such a way that enhances and expresses Who You Are.  Being true to yourself and honoring what is best for you.  Not necessarily what society says you should want or have.  Living Mindfully further acknowledges that each person has their own experiences and lives to lead.  We simply allow others to be themselves as we are being us!

Mindful Living Energy is a collection and collaboration of energy healers, intuitive facilitators, and others excelling at energy-raising techniques working together for a common cause – to help people.

Raise your vibration so that you live each moment fully.Be Mindful Chalkboard

Be Present.

Be Happy.

Enjoy your journey.

And understand Who You Are.

There are many modalities that may work for you.  Perhaps one will lead you to another as you go on your way.

We are here to lead, guide, provide help and encouragement, and even mentor you so that you can use the gift inside of you to help others.

Be on the lookout for newsletters, events, Facebook posts and articles meant to inspire, teach and even have fun being together!



Mindful Living Energy
4447 South Canyon Road, Suite 1
Rapid City, SD  57702