Things to do in the Black Hills

Things to do in the Black Hills – Kayaking on Sheridan Lake

Things to do in the Black Hills_Sheridan Lake Kayaking

Things to do in the Black Hills – Kayaking on Sheridan Lake

The Black Hills can heat up quite a bit in the summer, but not to worry! There are lots of ways to stay cool and refreshed as you are looking for things to do in the Black Hills.  Recently, we decided to cut out of work early (one of the benefits of being self-employed) andThings to do in the Black Hills_Sheridan Lake Kayaking meet my sister-in-law, father-in-law and his kayaks at Sheridan Lake for some play time.

Our 2 youngest had spent the afternoon with Tristan’s sister Chantelle at the Swim Center so they headed out before us.  We waited around for Seth to get off work and a good thing we did because there was a hail/rain storm that we missed.

It was a cool drive up though with the mists floating up along the roadway as sped by.

We arrived at the South side of Sheridan Lake and proceeded past the campground to the boat ramp where Isaiah and Emily were already slicing through the smooth as glass water in the kayaks.

The sun came up back after the storm – along with the peaceful after the storm feeling.


We all took turns enjoying the warm evening on the lake, watching the mother goose and her goslings wander the shore line, the pack of 15 (yes 15, I counted them) vultures swoop and glide through the trees, dangling our feet over the dock waiting for our turns to create ripples on the picture perfect water.

  Things to do in the Black Hills_Sheridan Lake Kayaking  Things to do in the Black Hills_Sheridan Lake Kayaking

We weren’t the only ones out enjoying the evening either.  Several paddle boarders joined our peaceful corner of the lake about half way through our evening.  Plus there were the die-hard wakeboarders who were zooming through the main part of the lake sharing their music with us as they passed by (and the best part was we liked their choices).
It was a very enjoyable evening and now Tristan is making noises about purchasing our own kayaks.  Don’t have a kayak – no worries!  Rent them at the Sheridan Lake Marina.