Rapid City Real Estate Market Report – Summer 2018

Rapid City Real Estate Market Report

Summer 2018


by Tristan and his WHITEBOARD – LIVE!



Hey Everybody I’m Tristan Emond with Mindful Living Realty. Welcome back to Tristan and his WHITEBOARD- LIVE!

So, let’s take a look at some of the numbers we’ve got for the summer from May through August.  I put it into very high tech fancy graphic I got going on here.

So you can see the active numbers in 2017 vs 2018.  And we actually had quite a few more active in 2017 than we did in 2018.

However, the solds are about the same as far as the number.

Then we can see a pretty normal downhill trend towards August as people are finishing vacations and that kind of thing. Usually we see things kind of boot back up come September.  We’ll see how things go from there.

You can see here – since we have so many so many fewer listings on the market and about the same amount of sales, we actually have less homes on the market now than we have last year.  This is evidenced by the average six months sales around rapid city have been 37 days on market.  So we’ve been selling quickly and they’ve been selling for 98 percent of list price.

The market still is moving right along. We’re not seeing anything that’s going really, really slow at this point…aside from the typical end of summer doldrum there.  We’ll will probably pick right back up here until we’ll see what happens in November.

There we go!  Rapid City Market Report for the summer.

Have a great day, everyone!

Thanks for watching Tristan and his WHITEBOARD – we’ll see you next time!