Conventional versus Government Mortgage Loans | Tristan and his WHITEBOARD – LIVE!

Posted Posted in Home Buyers, Tristan and his WHITEBOARD

Conventional versus Government Loans Tristan and his WHITEBOARD – LIVE!   Conventional Versus Government Mortgage Loans   Hi everybody. This is Tristan Emond with Mindful Living Realty. Welcome back to Tristan and his WHITEBOARD – LIVE! Today I’m with Angelia Dale with Gateway Mortgage. And today we’re going to talk about the difference between conventional […]

Tristan and his WHITEBOARD – LIVE! | Importance of Paperwork [video]

Posted Posted in Home Buyers, Home Owners, Home Sellers, Tristan and his WHITEBOARD

Tristan and his WHITEBOARD – LIVE! The Importance of Paperwork in the Real Estate Transaction     Everybody, how you doing today? Tristan Emond with Mindful Living Realty with Tristan and his WHITEBOARD – LIVE! So today we’re going to talk about another “Please DO” scenario, mostly for buyers, but also the sellers understand what’s […]