Tristan and his WHITEBOARD Seller’s Series – Appraisal and Insurance

Posted Posted in Home Owners, Home Sellers, Tristan and his WHITEBOARD

Tristan and his WHITEBOARD Seller’s Video Series Episodes #5.5-5.7 Prepare Your Home For Sale   The Prepare Your Home For Sale Series (within the series) concludes with Appraisal Repairs, Insurance Issues, and Releasing Your Energy. Appraisal Repairs and insurance Issues can be delay closing.  Last minute repairs and requests by the buyer’s insurance company are […]

Just released! Tristan and his WHITEBOARD Buyer Video Series – The Home Inspection

Posted Posted in Buyers, Tristan and his WHITEBOARD

JUST RELEASED! TRISTAN AND HIS WHITEBOARD BUYER VIDEO SERIES EPISODES 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4     Now that the offer is signed and accepted, and you’ve been out all night celebrating… It’s time to rock and roll. Let’s get the home inspection started! {Yes – you should get a home inspection (see episode 9.4)…} In Episode 9.1, we […]